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#include <stdlib.h>  int m1(int *p){      printf("%d\n",*p);      return 0;  } int main() { ......
My mac mini m2 homebrew had corrupted, I had to fix it.I am having Java20 installed on Mac, to manage Java versions, I found materials, including fixing no remote repo, brew cask, tap, etc.For no orig ......
There are different ways to set up a microservice system.In China, there is the Alibaba way, using Nacos, Dubbo, Seata, Appolo, etc.There is also another way of using Springcloud-gateway, Openfeign, Z ......
The process of Multi Tenant in Spring Boot and JPA is to use the dynamic routing data source.For each tenant, there is a datasource property file.Could put all such files under a all tenants folder, w ......
on server "git init --bare"on local, "ssh-copy-id server_ip"git clone user@ssh_server_ip:/path/to/bare_repo;  git@ssh_server_ip:/username/projectname.git;local commit readme.m ......
Key takeaways:Press and Hold Shift at VM Ubuntu server start up,i.e. send ctrl+alt+delete to reboot from VM menuPress e and edit Ubuntu Grub scriptAt the end of the last line that starts with linux, a ......
<div class="container"><div class="card">Hello card</div><div class="card">Hello card</div><div class="card">Hello card</ ......